Lightning – Equine Storyteller

Horse Rescue – Random Canyon Rehab
Lightning’s stories are about the horses that come and go at a horse rescue. This farm, Random Canyon Rehab, while fictional, represents the work done by countless rescue farms across the globe.
These horses come from all kinds of backgrounds. Some are old and no longer considered “useful.” Some were sent to auction because they had physical or behavioral problems. Some were turned loose because their owners could no longer afford their care. The list of reasons is almost endless. But they all have one thing in common. The horse is no longer wanted.
Rescue organizations step in where no one else did. They care for, rehabilitate, train, rehome, and sometimes must provide a caring end to the lives of these magnificent creatures.
God gave us the gift of the horse. We are made better by the sharing of this world with this gift. Please consider supporting the rescue of your choice.