Thanks for stopping by my website. I hope you will find useful information, entertaining stories and inspiration on these pages. Through it all, I want to give thanks to God, because my life is so blessed. I would love to find ways to express my gratitude to Him, and share that with you.
This is all new for me, and I am learning as I go, so I hope you will be patient with me as I build and improve this website. I am looking forward to getting to know you through your comments on my pages and stories. Hopefully this site can be informative and interactive. You can learn more about me on the “About Me“ page. Imagine that! Here is a picture of me with my husband, PopPop, and one of our horses, Candy.
On the pages of this site, you will find my craft shop, where you can buy my handmade craft items. I love to knit, wet felt, needle felt, spin fiber, crochet, weave baskets, macrame, sew, embroider, and learn about all things fiber. I will be adding items to the shop regularly, so check in once in a while, or sign up for my newsletter and I will let you know when I have news! Signing up will also get you a coupon for free shipping on items you buy from the shop. I promise I will never sell your email, or overload your inbox. My crafts make lovely gifts!
I also plan to share lots of tips, instructions and patterns for the items I love to make. These will include instructions on knitting, making and applying fringe, finger knitting, arm knitting, wet felting, fulling, and more. While it will take me time to build the library of instructions, I will be working on it as a project. They will be in the “Handmade” section of my blog, and in the newsletters. I would love to eventually make some video tutorials on knitting, felting and baskets.
As you will see, horses are a big part of my life. I am passionate about all things horses. Because I am a retired person still keeping horses at home, it is important to me to be safe and keep my horses healthy and safe. I plan to share tips on how I keep my horses, and on horse-related things like fly control. And pictures. I love to take and share pictures of our horses.
Lightning’s Stories
The Lightning Stories are fictional horse tales, told to me by a special Equine Storyteller. Lightning is a collector of stories about the horses she has known. I am certainly not the best writer ever, and we do have a language gap, but I will try my best to relate the essence of her storytelling. Horses have so much to teach us – if we only listen.
While we are not “off the grid”, we recently moved from town to our farm. Living in a rural setting brings opportunities and challenges, and I will be sharing both. From growing vegetables in hay bales to raising lavender plants from seed to making sourdough bread starter, I will be adding posts on many topics. There will also be ample stories and memories and family stuff. Of course, anything that doesn’t interest you can just be skipped over, but I hope there will be enough to keep you coming back.
Please comment and let me know if there are specific things in these areas that you are interested in – I love to explore and discuss these topics and we can learn and grow together!
Grandma HaHa
“God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls and coal into diamonds using time and pressure. He’s working on you, too.”
Rick Warren
Amy Miller says
Purchased a pair of Hand Knit Grounding Socks from WV Artisan Market in Ripley WV. I love them! Any chance you will be restocking there or can I order straight from you? My next purchase will be the Yoga socks from there.
Haila Buskirk says
Amy, I am so sorry I did not see your comment sooner. I have been unable to access my site consistently. I hope you were able to find more of my socks at the WV Artisan Market. If you are still interested in locating additional socks or specific colors, please email me at I am glad you like the socks and I apologize for my failed response. Haila
withdrawal says
Morgan Allen says
This is wonderful, Haila. I look forward to reading the stories you share!
Haila Buskirk says
Thank you, Morgan! I am very excited to be charging off in a whole new direction on this project. I am learning so much, and so happy you are joining me for the sharing!
Teresa Blake says
This is so exciting! You do beautiful work!
Haila Buskirk says
Thank you, Teresa! You are right, it is really exciting. I love working on this and hope I can be helpful to others by sharing my experience and faith. Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you will come often.
Haila Buskirk says
Thanks for the compliment, Teresa! I love making handmade items!
Camilla Sanders says
This is so exciting! You’ll be great at sharing love, experience, and stories. Love you!
Haila Buskirk says
Thank you, Camilla! I appreciate your support of this new venture! I am really excited to be able to share stories and experiences. Thanks for stopping by!