What are you focused on when you are anxious or stressed out? Usually the answer is that we are focused on whatever is making us anxious. But what if you haven’t even been able to isolate what is making you anxious. It’s just a general, but overwhelming anxiety.
Turn anxiety into activity!
During this time of social distancing and fear of Covid 19 threats and restrictions, it may be obvious that this is causing much anxiety in our lives. But many of us had or have other causes of anxiety long before these stressful times came along.
In any stressful situation, it helps to have something to refocus us. Something to take away some tension and stress. There are many options and I encourage you to find what works for you:
- Prayer – especially praying for others, but ask for relief from your own anxiety, as well.
- Bible reading and study – get caught up in the Book. Place yourself in the stories.
- Meditation – sometimes just clearing your mind is a relief.
- Exercise – a well known method to wear yourself out and get health benefit from the activity.
- Reading – get lost in a fictional world! Try something like a fantasy story, or a comedy.
- Sleeping – especially if you aren’t getting enough rest at night. A nap can clear your mind.
- Walking, hiking, biking, boating – getting outdoors is always restorative.
- Hobbies – Change your focus from your anxiety to something productive. Do what you love! Or learn a new hobby.
Whatever you choose –
Choosing an activity that makes us refocus our attention is often what we need to relieve the anxiety that drags us down. Don’t hesitate to try a new activity – the learning curve is good for our brains, and requires the redirected focus that we need.
Find what works –
The activity you ultimately choose will be something that works for you. It may not make your anxiety go away forever, but perhaps a break is what you need to cope. This is why I find knitting is so helpful:
- It is engaging – I need to concentrate on what I am creating.
- It is meditative – counting stitches, following a stitch pattern, leaves little room for worry.
- It is creative – I have some control over this part of my life.
- It is social – I can make something for the loved ones I can’t currently see or hug. I think of them with each stitch and row – how they will love it, it will keep them warm , this color complements their eyes.
- It is sharing – I share favorite tips, techniques and patterns with my circle of knitting friends.
- It can be challenging – learning new techniques, patterns and stitches keeps my brain working.
My current project – Mommy and Me Socks!
These are just what I need to refocus! Knitting for a friend who is expecting this month, so I need to get them finished!
What are you focusing on?
Please comment and share what your focus is right now! Good or bad? Let’s share a dialogue on how this can help our anxiety.
Thanks for stopping by!
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